2008/12/16 Jeremy Huntwork :
> Reece Dunn wrote:
>> Is this an intentional change - for example, as a result of the new
>> build method - or is it an accidental result of the merge of Jeremy's
>> 64-bit support? That is, does the --target= remove the need for the
>> CC= override?
> The use of -B/
Reece Dunn wrote:
> Is this an intentional change - for example, as a result of the new
> build method - or is it an accidental result of the merge of Jeremy's
> 64-bit support? That is, does the --target= remove the need for the
> CC= override?
The use of -B/usr/bin/ in the past was to force the
I am looking at the 6.4 release and the current development build
methods. Comparing Chapter 5.4 (toolchain/binutils - pass 1), 6.4 (and
6.3) have the line:
CC="gcc -B/usr/bin/" ../binutils-2.18/configure ...
whereas the development build has:
../binutils-2.19/configure --target=$LF