xinglp wrote:
> 2012/8/28 xinglp :
>> 2012/8/28 Bruce Dubbs :
>>> sed -i -e 's||"rpc/types.h"|' sunrpc/rpc_clntout.c
>> I'm tring this one
> This one got through.
Yes, I just reverted that from the change I made this morning.
-- Bruce
2012/8/28 xinglp :
> 2012/8/28 Bruce Dubbs :
>> xinglp wrote:
>>> rpc_clntout.c:34:23: fatal error: rpc/types.h: No such file or directory
>>> compilation terminated.
>> What happens if you do this first after changing to glibc-2.16.0:
>> mkdir -p /usr/include/rpc
>> cp -v sunrpc/rpc/*.h /
2012/8/28 Bruce Dubbs :
> xinglp wrote:
>> rpc_clntout.c:34:23: fatal error: rpc/types.h: No such file or directory
>> compilation terminated.
> What happens if you do this first after changing to glibc-2.16.0:
> mkdir -p /usr/include/rpc
> cp -v sunrpc/rpc/*.h /usr/include/rpc
Same error.
xinglp wrote:
> rpc_clntout.c:34:23: fatal error: rpc/types.h: No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
What happens if you do this first after changing to glibc-2.16.0:
mkdir -p /usr/include/rpc
cp -v sunrpc/rpc/*.h /usr/include/rpc
sed -i -e 's||"rpc/types.h"|' sunrp
gcc -D_RPC_THREAD_SAFE_ -D_GNU_SOURCE -DIS_IN_build -include
/sources/glibc-build/config.h rpc_main.c \
-o /sources/glibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_main.o -MMD -MP -MF
/sources/glibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_main.o.dt -MT
/sources/glibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_main.o -c