Le 07/05/2012 18:00, Ken Moffat a écrit :
> In my case I build dbus, cairo, gtk-doc, dbus-glib, ...,
> gobject-introspection in that order, followed by pango, atk,
> shared-mime-info, cups, gdk-pixbuf, gtk2, gtk3. I don't imagine that
> variations in the build order are causing this, but librsvg
Le 07/05/2012 14:46, Andrew Benton a écrit :
> Including cairo/cairo.h in every header seems like quite a large
> sledgehammer to crack a nut. Perhaps a more delicate solution would be
> (for librsvg-2.36.1):
> sed -i '/_gir_CFLAGS/s#$# -I/usr/include/cairo#' Makefile.in
> Andy
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