> On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 03:17:17PM +0100, Richard Downing wrote:
>> So I think the project needs a challenge. Trouble is I can't think what
>> it is!
> Alex :-)
> --
Now that sounds interesting!
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscr
> Lionel Lagarde wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I have just bought a new pc and I want to install Linux there by
>> following the lfs book.
>> Someone has already managed to compile lfs on a amd64 system ?
>> If so, from what os ?
>> I'm using a x86_64 fedora core 4 and I can't compile gcc (the
>> compila
> Hi all.
> I have just bought a new pc and I want to install Linux there by
> following the lfs book.
> Someone has already managed to compile lfs on a amd64 system ?
> If so, from what os ?
> I'm using a x86_64 fedora core 4 and I can't compile gcc (the
> compilation fail on rebuilding xgcc wit