On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 6:43 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Are the numbers in K? I suspect so.
I forgot to put a size flag when I got the stats from du, so they're
in the default amounts du returns. I think that's 512 bytes, so half
kilobyte units. Half the numbers below would be in kilobytes.
Jonathan Oksman wrote:
> Attached is the overall filesize results from stripping. Sorry about
> the sloppy formatting, I used tabs by mistake. It'll look best in a
> terminal. I split up the comparison of stripping results between
> binaries (bin,sbin,usr/bin,usr/sbin) and libraries (lib,usr/lib
Attached is the overall filesize results from stripping. Sorry about
the sloppy formatting, I used tabs by mistake. It'll look best in a
terminal. I split up the comparison of stripping results between
binaries (bin,sbin,usr/bin,usr/sbin) and libraries (lib,usr/lib). For
both I provided unstrip