On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Jeremy Huntwork
> On 8/23/10 6:10 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> What if the ntp server provided is down like in the 2nd entry above?
> Or (for who knows what reason) outgoing ICMP packets are blocked where
> you have no control?
>> This problem is not easily
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Jeremy Huntwork
> On 8/11/10 12:40 AM, DJ Lucas wrote:
>> Actually, for LSB compliance, the 'distribution supplied boot scripts'
>> need not use /lib/lsb/init-functions at all. All that is required is
>> that the scripts provide the LSB header information,
DJ Lucas wrote:
> On 08/23/2010 10:38 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Wow. I think that's a lot harder than just editing a file.
> Oh yes, it is certainly more difficult, but I was looking more at
> explaining how things are done (education has always been a top priority
> in the past). Also, by
On 24/08/10 04:01, DJ Lucas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Wow, first time I've messed with grub 2, and I had like 6 kernels still
> hanging around and the result was just plain ugly! Is there any reason
> we are recommending that the user edit grub.cfg manually inste