On 11/18/2009 02:47 AM, Uwe Düffert wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> The . after find is also redundant.
> Well, depending on the version of find... The one from (current) MacOS X
> for example requires the '.' (there is no --version, but 'man' claims it
> to be th
On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
>> The problem is the \ before {} (\{}). Not bug but to learn it's not
>> exact. The line should be: find . -name \*.html -type f -exec cp -v
>> {} /usr/share/doc/mpfr-&mpfr-version; \;
> The . after find is also redundant.