Re: perl-5.10.0

2008-10-28 Thread Dan Nicholson
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm puzzling over two tickets concerning perl: 2071 and 2227 > > It looks like 2071 says that we need to add -Dvendorprefix=/usr to the > configuration process, but configure.gnu doesn't support it. > > Dan mentions that he

Re: perl-5.10.0

2008-10-28 Thread Bryan Kadzban
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: RIPEMD160 Bruce Dubbs wrote: > It looks like 2071 says that we need to add -Dvendorprefix=/usr to > the configuration process, but configure.gnu doesn't support it. > > <...> > > Are there any comments about this? Should I just drop in these > instructio


2008-10-28 Thread Bruce Dubbs
I'm puzzling over two tickets concerning perl: 2071 and 2227 It looks like 2071 says that we need to add -Dvendorprefix=/usr to the configuration process, but configure.gnu doesn't support it. Dan mentions that he uses: sh ./Configure -des \ -Dprefix=/usr \ -Dsiteprefix=/usr

Re: Fwd: Re: Document version not set with jhalfs-20081011

2008-10-28 Thread Bruce Dubbs
George Boudreau wrote: > Bruce Dubbs wrote: >> George Boudreau wrote: >>> Matthew Burgess wrote: Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own network setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to the '-' or change it to '–' (note the additional ';'

Re: Fwd: Re: Document version not set with jhalfs-20081011

2008-10-28 Thread George Boudreau
Bruce Dubbs wrote: > George Boudreau wrote: >> Matthew Burgess wrote: >>> Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own >>> network setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to the '-' or >>> change it to '–' (note the additional ';'). >>> >>> George, how does 'x


2008-10-28 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Has anyone already test a entire distro build with -mregparm=3? (Cross compiled problably) I know, it will broke the ABI. But I curious about testing it soon. -- Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. Sócio-Diretor Trenix - IT Solutions "Nossas Idéias, suas Soluções!" [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: blfs svn, libglade errors

2008-10-28 Thread Ken Moffat
On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:39:01PM -0400, Brittany Dunlap wrote: > I've followed BLFS svn mostly to a T except for the fluxbox version I > installed and probably a few other top-level apps. I'm working on > getting GDM installed but the dependency libglade (dependency to > libgnomecanvas) is havin

Re: Fwd: Re: Document version not set with jhalfs-20081011

2008-10-28 Thread Bruce Dubbs
George Boudreau wrote: > Matthew Burgess wrote: >> Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own >> network setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to the '-' or >> change it to '–' (note the additional ';'). >> >> George, how does 'xmllint' puke? It'd be nic

Re: Fwd: Re: Document version not set with jhalfs-20081011

2008-10-28 Thread George Boudreau
Matthew Burgess wrote: > Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own network > setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to the '-' or change it > to '–' (note the additional ';'). > > George, how does 'xmllint' puke? It'd be nice if the LFS Book's validati

Fwd: Re: Document version not set with jhalfs-20081011

2008-10-28 Thread Matthew Burgess
Forwarding to lfs-dev...I'm currently unable to commit to SVN (my own network setup here). I'd guess we either need to revert back to the '-' or change it to '–' (note the additional ';'). George, how does 'xmllint' puke? It'd be nice if the LFS Book's validation Makefile target could catch t