El Viernes, 6 de Julio de 2007 01:21, Dan Nicholson escribió:
> +ifdef V
> +Q =
> +else
> +Q = @
> +endif
> +
Yea, I saw something like that on the BusyBox makefiles the other day. Looks
good to me.
Manuel Canales Esparcia
Usuario de LFS nº2886: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org
LFS en
Matthew Burgess wrote:
> Yeah, I saw this too. It's not the most popular of changes though (see
> http://www.mail-archive.com/util-linux-ng%40vger.kernel.org/msg00350.html and
> David Miller's reply). So, we might see a package agnostic filesystem
> detection library, possibly even before ut
Dan Nicholson wrote:
> I just read that Fedora has decided to take the plunge and replace
> sysklogd as their default syslog.
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue94#head-f55df1c4e39b27afc053b435a85088e5aec25a84
> Anyway, they've decided to use rsyslog since it maintains a compatible
> i