Alan Lord wrote:
It's good to see you back contributing Jeremy. Just don't wind up Randy
too much ;-)
Thanks, Alan. Meant to say 'hi' earlier, but got caught up in other
things. :)
Ticket #1912 is basically a side effect of moving to the upstream Udev
extras/rule_generator stuff. It's sort of patched, but to use the
rule_generator scripts "properly" (or at least, what I think is
"properly"), I think we should rework both the CD aliases section
(7.12.1) and the network config
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Hi all,
I know I'm guilty as much as anyone for lack of contribution
recently, though I *have* tried a couple of times to get
something done, but Belgarath ended up being down, or I could
not send mail, or whatever. I don't believe this Belgarath
upgrade is going to happen,
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
Alright, I can see where you're coming from. So ideally, to make use of
the 'headers_check' target, you would run something like:
make mrproper
make headers_install
make headers_check
cp -av usr/include/* /tools/include
This would be my preferred set of instructions.