Hey everyone
The problem is that they will compile, but there is a lot of things
that also need to be fixed. If you look at the glibc-kern-header.sspec,
it basically does the same as the headers script. It's going to take a
long time before the headers get completely compliant with userspace
El Sábado, 27 de Mayo de 2006 21:51, M.Canales.es escribió:
> In the same way that we adding " || true " to each "make test" command, we
> could try to add a redirection to a JHALFSDIR/test-logs/ directory.
Now testsuite logs are created into a separate $JHALFSDIR/test-logs directory.
Ok, there was a little issue, that unistd.h was "oversanitized" (the macro
definitions for _syscall* macros were removed) so util-linux wouldn't build
fdisk, but that was easy to fix and if it remains in the new -mm I 'll
probably report it upstream.