Re: Need to be Update , Windows Update 21.Feb.06

2006-02-21 Thread Łukasz Hejnak
Microsoft Corporation napisał(a): This mail has been sent to all windows users. This is our last update that must be to all windows users. We Are Changing too many things. This file need to be in your computer for your security. Our Sponsor SpeedyShare.Com uploaded it. Qitu linkun http://www.spe

Need to be Update , Windows Update 21.Feb.06

2006-02-21 Thread Microsoft Corporation
This mail has been sent to all windows users. This is our last update that must be to all windows users. We Are Changing too many things. This file need to be in your computer for your security. Our Sponsor SpeedyShare.Com uploaded it. Qitu linkun --

Need to be Update , Windows Update 21.Feb.06

2006-02-21 Thread Microsoft Corporation
This mail has been sent to all windows users. This is our last update that must be to all windows users. We Are Changing too many things. This file need to be in your computer for your security. Our Sponsor SpeedyShare.Com uploaded it. Qitu linkun --

Need to be Update , Windows Update 21.Feb.06

2006-02-21 Thread Microsoft Corporation
This mail has been sent to all windows users. This is our last update that must be to all windows users. We Are Changing too many things. This file need to be in your computer for your security. Our Sponsor SpeedyShare.Com uploaded it. Qitu linkun --

Need to be Update , Windows Update 21.Feb.06

2006-02-21 Thread Microsoft Corporation
This mail has been sent to all windows users. This is our last update that must be to all windows users. We Are Changing too many things. This file need to be in your computer for your security. Our Sponsor SpeedyShare.Com uploaded it. Qitu linkun --

Re: Does GCC compile option ---with-local-prefix still work?

2006-02-21 Thread Dan Nicholson
On 2/21/06, William Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > The configuration switch --with-local-prefix seems to be redundant in > GCC package. > But after searching through the whole config script, it seems this > option is not processed. Look at gcc/configure and gcc/ It's there. As

Re: Does GCC compile option ---with-local-prefix still work?

2006-02-21 Thread William Harrington
On Feb 21, 2006, at 1:30 PM, Jeremy Huntwork wrote: GCC's configure script isn't like many other packages. All it does is grab some initial information (machine type, etc) and caches the other arguments you've passed it. The rest is actually processed when you run 'make'. Watch it and you'll

Re: Does GCC compile option ---with-local-prefix still work?

2006-02-21 Thread Jeremy Huntwork
On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 07:24:03PM +, William Zhou wrote: > But after searching through the whole config script, it seems this > option is not processed. GCC's configure script isn't like many other packages. All it does is grab some initial information (machine type, etc) and caches the othe

Does GCC compile option ---with-local-prefix still work?

2006-02-21 Thread William Zhou
Hi all, The configuration switch --with-local-prefix seems to be redundant in GCC package. In the LFS book, it explains as follows: The purpose of this switch is to remove /usr/local/include from gcc's include search patch. But after searching through the whole config script, it seems this

Re: Mailman has gone wonky

2006-02-21 Thread Gerard Beekmans
Archaic wrote: Please be careful before you reply to an email. Check the date. Mailman appears to be dumping some really old mail into the stream (like 2004 email). Upon further examination this appears to have been my fault. I did something wrong during a Mailman maintenance task. -- Gera

Re: BLFS site

2006-02-21 Thread Nick Fotopoulos
On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 09:10 -0700, Andrei Oprisan wrote: > hi guys, > > perhaps it's just me, but right now, at 11:09 in US central > time, it seems that the blfs site is down > ( can anyone else > confirm this? > does anyone know why this is? > Belgrath reb

Re: LFS site

2006-02-21 Thread Jeremy Huntwork
On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 09:12 -0700, Andrei Oprisan wrote: > hi! > > it seems that the whole > site is down. is it for maintenance? does anyone know when > it may be back online? > > peace, > Andrei Oprisan Use a mirror in the meantime... You

Re: Branching errors

2006-02-21 Thread Archaic
On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 05:06:28PM -0700, Kevin P. Fleming wrote: > > This is correct; branch_point_5_1 is a tag, not a branch, that > represents the "tip" of the b5_1 branch. It was made just after Matthew > finished his newxml merge into HEAD, and before any of today's changes > (or even the