iptables patch not needed anymore!

2005-10-15 Thread Sebastian Faulborn
Hi! The iptables patch which you sugest (http://www.grsecurity.net/download.php) in the first page of the HLFS book, is out of date! The patch is a diff of version 1.2.11 (diff -urN iptables-1.2.11/extensions/libipt_stealth.c iptables-1.2.11/extensions/libipt_stealth.c) while BLFS is currentl

less nitpick

2005-10-15 Thread Tushar Teredesai
I know that they total to less than 100K, but are lessecho and lesskey needed in /bin? Perhaps we should install everything with --prefix=/usr and move less to /bin? -- Tushar Teredesai mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~tushar/ -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/l

Re: cross-lfs build flags

2005-10-15 Thread Ryan Oliver
On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 14:52 -0400, Jeremy Huntwork wrote: > jaca wrote: > > Hello > > > > I found some problems while creating cross-lfs Sparc/UltraSparc. In > > chapter "9.2. Build Flags" the build flags are configured as follows: > > > > export BUILD32="-mabi=32" > > export BUILD64="-mabi=64" >

Re: lib lib32 lib64 in LFS 7 x86_64_multilib

2005-10-15 Thread Ryan Oliver
On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 16:57 +0100, Ken Moffat wrote: > But for the moment I'm stuckin conventional multilib at the temporary > gcc (32-bit libgcc_s.so overwriting the 64-bit, no doubt I broke > something in my scripts earlier). So, for the moment, anybody who wants > to install into /lib (64

Re: jhalfs: Ready to go.

2005-10-15 Thread M.Canales.es
El Sábado, 15 de Octubre de 2005 04:54, Alexander E. Patrakov escribió: > 2. Please don't use "&&" between commands. Reason: sometimes there's no > "&&" if the book says to do two commands in one screen/userinput block. > In order to fail reliably on any error without continuing the script, > you

Re: jhalfs: Ready to go.

2005-10-15 Thread Alexander E. Patrakov
M.Canales.es wrote: El Sábado, 15 de Octubre de 2005 04:54, Alexander E. Patrakov escribió: 1. For the UTF-8 book, it is also needed to download glibc-libidn-2.3.5.tar.bz2 from lfs-matrix. Please handle this similarly to glibc-linuxthreads and bash-doc tarballs. This and the groff-patchlevel

[Fwd: Re: util-linux and LLH]

2005-10-15 Thread Alexander E. Patrakov
--- Begin Message --- On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 09:03:09PM +0500, Alexander E. Patrakov wrote: > Hello, Hi Alexander, > util-linux >= 2.12k doesn't build against linux-libc-headers, the > error (recently discussed on Linux From Scratch lists) is: > > cc -c -pipe -O2 -mtune=i486 -fomit-

Re: jhalfs: Ready to go.

2005-10-15 Thread M.Canales.es
El Sábado, 15 de Octubre de 2005 04:54, Alexander E. Patrakov escribió: > 1. For the UTF-8 book, it is also needed to download > glibc-libidn-2.3.5.tar.bz2 from lfs-matrix. Please handle this similarly > to glibc-linuxthreads and bash-doc tarballs. This and the groff-patchlevel issue should both

Re: jhalfs: Ready to go.

2005-10-15 Thread M.Canales.es
El Sábado, 15 de Octubre de 2005 04:54, Alexander E. Patrakov escribió: > Two more feature requests. > > 1. For the UTF-8 book, it is also needed to download > glibc-libidn-2.3.5.tar.bz2 from lfs-matrix. Please handle this similarly > to glibc-linuxthreads and bash-doc tarballs. Working on it.

Re: jhalfs: Ready to go.

2005-10-15 Thread M.Canales.es
El Sábado, 15 de Octubre de 2005 04:42, Alexander E. Patrakov escribió: > The problem is only with non-LFS hosts that define > NONINTERACTIVE_LOGIN_SHELLS. Since the "lfs" user never logs in using an > interactive shell, his .bash_profile is never used on "normal" hosts and > (as already mentioned

Re[9]: Разговорный английский язык c пре подавателями из США sebe

2005-10-15 Thread Bystritsky Nina
Добрый день! ВЕСЬ РАЗГОВОРНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ В ВАШЕМ РАСПОРЯЖЕНИИИ. Скидки? У нас их есть! Мы ждём Вашего звонка в Москве: один-ноль-пять 5186 два-три-восемь-три-три-восемь-шесть sebja sego segodnja sej sejchas sem sem-ka -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www