Re: [RFC] LFS-6.1.1

2005-10-11 Thread Matthew Burgess
Jeremy Huntwork wrote: I would like to make a formal request for a 6.1.1 release of the LFS Book. Agreed, let's do this. I'd imagine it'll only need a couple of weeks at most. I've created the branch (checkout from svn[+ssh]:// I'll be pretty busy


2005-10-11 Thread jaca
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Re: [RFC] LFS-6.1.1

2005-10-11 Thread Alexander E. Patrakov
Jim Gifford wrote: The test case does not give any errors. at all. In cross-lfs we use the glibc-snapshot from 20050926, which this problem has been fixed. You are right, the dlopen-in-chroot problem shouldn't exist in that snapshot. Do I understand correctly that you meant "there is also som