Re: [LEDE-DEV] Release 17.01.0 binary packages have changed and SDK inconsistency

2017-03-28 Thread James Feeney
I am motivated to rant again on this topic. Repeating what I said last November, before the new release process was finalized, in response to David Lang: --- >> There is an interesting question of how to refer to what state of each feed >> you use for a release. Currently OpenWRT doesn't even tr

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Release 17.01.0 binary packages have changed and SDK inconsistency

2017-03-28 Thread James Feeney
Hi Daniel > Well, this was actually fixed by having a specific snapshot of all > feeds referenced in the SDK. Which is exactly the cause of all the > confusion now... > ... >>> ... It would mean that every build was repeatable. > > Every build of what exactly? > Do you realise that *none* of the p

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Release 17.01.0 binary packages have changed and SDK inconsistency

2017-03-29 Thread James Feeney
Hi Alberto > Also the kernel is handled like a package for the build system, but > since most devices expect it outside of root filesystem in various ways, > it's added to the firmware image the way the device's bootloader expects it. I haven't seen a preferred term for the class of this combined

Re: [LEDE-DEV] [PATCH] musl: update to 1.1.17 - LEDE version numbers?

2017-11-02 Thread James Feeney
On 11/01/2017 12:15 PM, Hannu Nyman wrote: > At the first glance LEDE r5217-098afa1e1b compiled with 1.1.18 booted ok and > got normally a DHCP wan address, hostapd started etc.. Excuse me what?! "LEDE r5217-098afa1e1b"? Why does that look like a "release 5217" and a SHA prefix "098afa1e1b"? So

[LEDE-DEV] LEDE version numbers?

2017-11-06 Thread James Feeney
On the topic of version numbers of the form "LEDE r5217-098afa1e1b" about which I am clueless, there is some discussion about the challenge of relating git hash numbers and "release" version numbers: Point releases for the GNU C Library October 16, 2017

Re: [LEDE-DEV] LEDE version numbers?

2017-11-06 Thread James Feeney
On 11/06/2017 09:01 AM, David Lang wrote: > These version numbers are used between releases, the part after the - is > enough of the git commit id (it's hash) for you to identify it. The r#  gives > you an idea if it's newer or older than another one (since git hashes don't > give you that info)

Re: [LEDE-DEV] LEDE version numbers?

2017-11-07 Thread James Feeney
On 11/06/2017 11:44 PM, Matthias Schiffer wrote: > r# is the number of commits since the "reboot" tag. If your local branch > (e.g. "master") has a upstream branch (e.g. "origin/master"), it will use > number and commit ID of the last common commit of both branches, and add > the number of local co

Re: [LEDE-DEV] LEDE version numbers?

2017-11-07 Thread James Feeney
On 11/07/2017 07:43 AM, Matthias Schiffer wrote: > No, we have two official branches: master (active development for the next > major release), and lede-17.01 (forked from master shortly before the 17.01 > release; only bugfixes and other "small" changes are backported from > master; base for 17.01

[LEDE-DEV] DirtyCOW backport

2016-10-23 Thread James Feeney
What are thoughts about backporting the DirtyCOW patch to the Lede kernels? I did not see any mention in the Lede-dev Archives. ___ Lede-dev mailing list

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Actual community change and additional developers compared to OpenWrt

2016-10-25 Thread James Feeney
Hi - a few "armchair" comments from a complete outsider, repeating things that you probably already know: > There are large PRs (think the Mikrotik changes) which are unsuitable for > inclusion as-is, yet too worthwhile to be left rotting. One of my favorite lines from the first chapter of ESR's

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Release Preparation Questions

2016-11-20 Thread James Feeney
Hmm - A few comments from a naive outsider - > 1) Images shall have a version number X.Y.Z where X is the year of > release, Y the month and Z the build number produced by buildbot > > 2) The nonshared base repository holding kmods will be copied for each > consecutive build, so there will be

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Release Preparation Questions

2016-11-20 Thread James Feeney
Ok - thanks for taking the time to explain this versioning process. So now, I should take the time to "feed it back" and see if I understand. Ha! > 404 Not Found Hmm. Try Google... description LEDE Source R

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Release Preparation Questions

2016-11-20 Thread James Feeney
On 11/20/2016 08:26 PM, David Lang wrote: > replying to details other than the feeds concept/ > ... >> There were two different definitions offered. I'm guessing that you meant >> the >> "build number" after the "major.minor" version number. > > not quite > > the branch would be Year.Month, ta

Re: [LEDE-DEV] [OpenWrt-Devel] Talks between OpenWrt and LEDE

2016-12-22 Thread James Feeney
On 12/22/2016 12:27 AM, John Crispin wrote: > or do we want to build a "one stop shop" for embedded linux Yes, we do? When I read that, my gut reaction was "Oh yeah - embedded linux." I remember, when I first heard about "LEDE", as distinct from OpenWRT, I was attracted to the broader focus on

Re: [LEDE-DEV] [OpenWrt-Devel] Talks between OpenWrt and LEDE

2016-12-27 Thread James Feeney
OpenLEDE The name both combines the project names and conveys that sense of greater transparency that was, in part, the purpose of the LEDE project. ___ Lede-dev mailing list