Dear all,
Newifi D1 is a popular router device with MT7621 inside, more detailed
information can be found at WikiDevi .
I have LEDE 17.01.2 running on that device, but experienced a bug with
Ethernet port. The bug is easy to reproduce: just power on or reboot
the device with RJ45 cable plugin. Yo
Hello Mathias,
I added a fix for the pinmux related hang you reported to my staging tree[0].
I've merge your patch with the removed pinmux on top.
Would you please build an image for the Loewe WMDR-143N from my staging tree
and report back whether the issue is fixed!
yes that seems to fix t
On 26/07/17 08:08, Mathias Kresin wrote:
Children of the pinctrl0 node are optional. Return EINVAL (=missing)
instead of 0. Fixes a hang if the pinctrl0 has no children.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin
Acked-by: John Crispin
Hi Philip,
Am Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017, 10:29:06 CEST schrieb Philip Prindeville:
> I’m working on Issue #4588 (ntpd needs UCI parsing comparable to sysntpd)
> and I had a question…
> ntpd ships with the canned /etc/ntp.conf from the distro, but if we specify:
> config timeserver ntp