> With qt you can use QFontDatabase_addApplicationFont, e.g.
> ...
> With GTK you can use fontconfig, e.g.
Thanks Luca!
Does anyone how to make it natively work on the Mac?
Regards, Darius --
Lazarus mailing list
El 06/02/17 a les 22:06, Darius Blaszyk via Lazarus ha escrit:
Is it possible to embed a font for a GUI application in Lazarus in a
platform independent way? I've been looking on the internet and I only
found windows specific solutions so far.
You already know the windows way, so I'll omit
Is it possible to embed a font for a GUI application in Lazarus in a
platform independent way? I've been looking on the internet and I only
found windows specific solutions so far.
Regards, Darius --
Lazarus mailing list