I don't have a Ubuntu running currently, but I could imagine you run
your binary directly. You should try to create a .desktop file and run
your application that way.
A .desktop file is a simple textfile whitch contains some
metainformation (like a .lnk on Windows) and looks like this.
Am 07.05.2018 um 16:54 schrieb Gabor Boros via Lazarus:
Is BigChimp's suggestion (1.-6.) a good starting point nowadays or
something changed meanwhile in this topic. I will build everything
(Lazarus fixes_1_8 and trunk, FPC trunk) from source except the actual
stable FPC (now 3.0.4).
Something like:
procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
Label1.Caption := '$' + IntToHex(Ord(Key), 2);
Am 28.05.2017 um 23:11 schrieb Larry Dalton via Lazarus:
I need a function or procedure that will return the scan code for a keypress on
both Linux system
es beruhigt schon zu wissen, dass sich jemand darum kümmert. Gutes gelingen.
Am 15.05.2017 um 22:57 schrieb Michael Fuchs via Lazarus:
[Short English version below]
Hallo allerseits,
wie ihr vielleicht schon gemerkt habe, ist das deutschsprachige
Lazarusforum schon wieder
Am 14.10.2016 um 11:10 schrieb Dennis via Lazarus:
Can anyone help? I googled and the only articles is about changing the
title bar color, not the form's color.
Maybe a TPanel can help.
Lazarus mailing list
Am 14.10.2016 um 11:10 schrieb Dennis via Lazarus:
I have a program written in lazarus running normally in windows 7.
When run in windows 10, the green color of the Frame/Form is changed
by Windows 10 to white.
I can't confirm that for Windows 10 1610 32bit with Lazarus 1.6/ FPC 3.0