Re: [Lazarus] Does fsStayOnTop not work for forms on Linux?

2021-02-28 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> Is this property just a Windows feature? Certainly no, as it works on my Manjaro KDE, both fsStayOnTop and fsSystemStayOnTop. > Is this a problem with Ubuntu Mate 20.04? Could be, I don't use Mate and not all DEs are created equal (KDE also has its own quirks regarding stay on top, but LCL imp

Re: [Lazarus] Best way to record a displayed video to file?

2020-11-02 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> What are my options to record a video playing in a web browser to a disk file (mp4) for later off-line viewing? Browser extension, but they can communicate with a native app. Take a look at Video DownloadHelper, they have both Chrome extension and a native downloader. I haven't checked how the e

Re: [Lazarus] Find in Files

2020-09-03 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> without regular expressions why make your own life difficult? regex is there for complex cases like this. -- Sent from: -- ___ lazarus mailing list https://lists.lazarus

Re: [Lazarus] Find in Files

2020-09-03 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> without regular expressions why make your own life difficult? regex is there for complex cases like this. -- Sent from: -- ___ lazarus mailing list https://lists.lazarus

Re: [Lazarus] Build Lazarus without symbols included?

2020-08-06 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> Is there a setting somewhere in Lazarus that will build lazarus itself > without the symbols, but still create symbols in projects built using > Lazarus? Tools->Configure build Lazarus->Options: -g- -CX -XXs -- Sent from: -- __

Re: [Lazarus] Switching Lazarus between fpc 3.2.0 and 3.0.4 - how to?

2020-06-20 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> Or do I need a complete installation Lazarus/Fpc for the two fpc versions? Just the FPC is enough. In Lazarus, you can make multiple build modes for each FPC version (set the compiler command right), respectively and set the configuration as default. That's as easy as Lazarus can get in its curr

Re: [Lazarus] The Problem with the Linux Desktop

2020-03-28 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> The model to download applications and install on a random distro+version simply doesn't exist on Linux. Snap, AppImage, Flatpak are purposely targeting this. It's partially successful, but as with many things in Linux, they're competing instead of working together. -- Sent from: http://free-

Re: [Lazarus] Is LCL-GTK still possible?

2019-03-26 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> Am I correct, that the LCL widgetset should auto compile, even though my Lazarus IDE is compiled with LCL-GTK2? Yes, it should. I build my apps for both GTK2 and QT(4) using build modes in one go. My IDE stays at QT. Maybe activate clean before build? -- Sent from: http://free-pascal-lazarus

Re: [Lazarus] Proud to announce..

2018-12-04 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> See it in action for yourself: > > Good work! A little bug, though: 1. Directly press Compile, it will be an error 2. Go to Load units tab, press Load default units 3. Press Compile again, Compiler Output will always contain "F

Re: [Lazarus] How to build FPC/Lazarus from sources on Windows?

2018-11-07 Thread leledumbo via lazarus
> If I want to build the 64 bit version, where should I then put the 64 bit binutils? Wherever -FD in your fpc.cfg points to (remember, fpc.cfg supports conditionals). > The suggested path c:\freepascal\binutils\i386-win32\ seems incorrect. Why not? The binutils itself could still be 32-bit whi

Re: [Lazarus] Exception handling in Linux?

2018-10-25 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Now when testing I have experienced that Lazarus trows up an exception dialog when code inside such a construct is running The debugger by default catches all exceptions, handled or not, because it catches the exception before your handler (the except block). Configure exceptions to ignore in de

Re: [Lazarus] Use /dev/null for stdout

2018-10-25 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> I'd need to open both stdout and stderr as /dev/null. Both are represented as System.Text (or ObjPas.TextFile) named System.Output and System.StdErr respectively (There are also System.StdOut and System.ErrOutput as their alias, but it looks like they're not proper alias but rather different ins

Re: [Lazarus] Building a C (or possibly C++) program into a Lazarus app

2018-08-12 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> what's the current situation and future plans of > Lazarus as far as Android is concerned? I see mention of Laz4Android in > e.g. : is that > mainstream or is there some other preferred solution? Laz4Android is just a prepackaged Lazarus +

Re: [Lazarus] Building a C (or possibly C++) program into a Lazarus app

2018-08-10 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> I find myself wondering whether > they could be given a more friendly frontend by wrapping them in a > Lazarus app, with an on-screen keyboard similar to what's found on a > tablet etc. Sounds like my non-web hobby projects with Lazarus. > Is it possible to link a C or possibly C++ program i

Re: [Lazarus] synedit markdown highlighter ?

2018-07-09 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Is there a markdown highlighter for synedit available ? Nope, not even the original SynEdit project has it (there are at least 2 issues requesting it, one has an idea to make one based on HTML highlighter, but no real implementation yet). Same question was asked a couple of months ago in forum,

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus and Linked Lists

2018-06-28 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> There seems to be nothing in there for TLinkedList or anything else in the glinkedlist unit... Browse the tests instead, TLinkedList wasn't shipped with original fcl-stl, it was added later without documentation. -- Sent from: --

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus and Linked Lists

2018-06-27 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Is there any documentation on using this object? Doc: Examples: Don' you know you can browse that site up n down? -- Sent from: ht

Re: [Lazarus] Converting a component package Delphi->Lazarus using built-in converter?

2018-06-08 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Or is it just the converter that is havíng problems? In the package dialog, check "Register unit" for units containing Register procedure. I didn't remember the last time I converted a Delphi package, but it could be that the converter doesn't detect Register properly. -- Sent from: http://f

Re: [Lazarus] Google geocoding API help

2018-06-07 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> In the meantime I'm asking if anyone knows of a simple how-to or demo or example of just sending a street address through the Goggle API and just getting back LAT and LONG values {$H+} uses fphttpclient, fpjson, jsonparser; var Address: String; AddressData,LocationData: TJSONObject; begi

Re: [Lazarus] can't connect to Mysql database using TMysql57connection

2018-06-04 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Project Moneyproject raised exception class 'ESQLDatabaseError ' with message > 'Server Connect Failed'. Check installed libmysql client version. -- Sent from: -- ___ Lazarus mailing list Lazarus@li

Re: [Lazarus] Cloning standard output to text file

2018-05-06 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Sorry, I fail to see how I can use this with writeln to write to *both* > output and file at the same time. Maybe I miss something :-? {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses Classes,SysUtils,StreamIO; type TDoubleStream = class(TFileStream) private FStdOut: TextFile; public constructor Cre

Re: [Lazarus] E,bedding a terminal window in Lazarus

2018-04-09 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> I am considering writing an IDE package to do this, but wanted to know if anyone knows if this has been done before AFAIK, no. Previous attempts don't embed actual terminal, but use a terminal like component with application controlled command to execute. -- Sent from: http://free-pascal-la

Re: [Lazarus] AT&T assembler syntax

2018-03-30 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Any suggestions on how to make it work? Open View->Debug Windows->Debug Output, is your -eval-command parameter passed to gdb? -- Sent from: -- ___ Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] SQLdb_Tutorial3 error

2018-03-08 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Any hint? Code please. Zipped project directory (use Publish Project feature) is OK if single file example is not possible. -- Sent from: -- ___ Lazarus mailing list htt

Re: [Lazarus] IDE needs lexers JSON, XML

2018-01-11 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> IMO it's good to install JSON/XML syntaxes in IDE. many apps have res in such formats Isn't it already there? I don't remember, though, but my Lazarus has them already. -- Sent from: -- ___ Lazarus m

Re: [Lazarus] Package filenames with _package

2018-01-07 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> It is good filenames, with _package suffix, easy to see filenames from all filenames in big dir I don't agree, that's what file extension is for. Filtering and sorting should easily be done to distinguish package files from others. -- Sent from:

Re: [Lazarus] lazarus-ccr (or other) TBufDataSet Documentation?

2018-01-07 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> So far I have had no success. Do I have to use the source alone? I think there's none officially, but google gives me these: - - -- Sent from: http

Re: [Lazarus] DeleteFile

2017-11-01 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Hi! I have a CGI program that must delete files from a server and it's owned by www-data which allows me to read a file but not to delete it, even though the file has permissions 777. The folder containing the files I want to delete has permissions "drwxrwxrwx" and it's owned by "root:root" and i

Re: [Lazarus] fcl-web capturing called URL

2017-10-21 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Hi Michael, as I'm using Brookframework I did HttpRequest.URL, but sadly I'm getting an empty string. What do you get from displaying HttpRequest.Headers.Text? Let's see if your webserver is configured correctly to pass the headers. -- Sent from: http://free-pascal-lazarus.989080.n3.nabble.

Re: [Lazarus] How to enable Code outline feature of the IDE

2017-10-20 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> It took me a while too :-). Guess somebody needs to update this page: :) -- Sent from: -- ___ Lazarus mailing list http

Re: [Lazarus] lazopenglcontext on Raspberry Pi?

2017-10-20 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Is there a Raspberry Pi distribution that contains the lazopenglcontext package, or some method to get that package installed on the Raspberry Pi? Should be in components folder. -- Sent from: -- _

Re: [Lazarus] Packages and units with the same name

2017-10-15 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> I know how it works in a single program, but I thought that using > packages could be different... but not. Packages is Lazarus concept, the compiler has no idea about it at all. What Lazarus does with it is generate a unit with the same name as the .lpk containing all units belonging to the p

Re: [Lazarus] Packages and units with the same name

2017-10-13 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> Is it not possible *today* or never? Never, not without changing the way compiler manages units. FPC units are organized in folders for easier management at filesystem level, but filesystem is not the namespace, there can never be /first/path/to/a.pas and /second/path/to/a.pas used in a single p

Re: [Lazarus] Delphi, Kylix or Lazarus multi-form DB app example

2017-10-05 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> What I meant to add to that is that I find it very strange that no such demos are available. After all, in a real-world business case (and even personal) you would hardly ever write a single form database app. Because that defeats the purpose of a demo project: to introduce a feature in as si

Re: [Lazarus] [ANN] Xavier for XML — Compatible with FPC and Delphi

2017-09-20 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
Free Pascal - Lazarus mailing list wrote > Hi, > > I'm working in my new "pet project" called Xavier. > Xavier is an object-oriented library for work with XML. > > The motives and announcement is on the forum: >,38343.0.html Apart from not need

Re: [Lazarus] MariaDB, SQLConnection - Suse vs Debian

2016-12-26 Thread leledumbo via Lazarus
> But when I attempt to access the databases from my project the MySQL 5.6 connector throws an error: "Cannot work with installed MySQL Client version; got 5.5.0 expected 5.6" > > Using TMySQL55Connection doesn't work either: there is a more general > error message, basically "unable to connect".