Re: [Lazarus] We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.2

2019-04-03 Thread Rolf Wetjen(rolf.wetjen--- via lazarus
Hi Lazarus team, can you check if the fix for this one can be included in 2.0.2: (ListView.ScrollBy doesn't work (vsReport/Windows) Rolf --- Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren geprüft. -- __

[Lazarus] TListView selection handling in windows

2019-03-13 Thread Rolf Wetjen(rolf.wetjen--- via lazarus
Hi, selecting items of a TListView doesn't work as in for example in windows explorer: Explorer: The selection doesn't change if multiple items are selected and you click one of the selected items (to start dragging). Lazarus 2.0 and 2.1: A click into an existing selection changes the selection.

[Lazarus] ListView.ScrollBy not working?

2018-03-06 Thread Rolf Wetjen(rolf.wetjen--- via Lazarus
Does anybody know how to scroll a listview? Seems that ListView.ScrollBy isn't working, at least not for Windows. There's no TCustomListView.ScrollBy procedure and of course the default TWinControl implementation doesn't send a LVM_SCROLL message to the MS ListView control. Probably a bug? Ro

Re: [Lazarus] Strange ComboBox behavior (Windows)

2018-02-28 Thread Rolf Wetjen(rolf.wetjen--- via Lazarus Cc: "Ondrej Pokorny" Gesendet: 20.02.2018 17:45:40 Betreff: Re: [Lazarus] Strange ComboBox behavior (Windows) On 20.02.2018 8:40, Rolf Wetjen(rolf.wetjen--- via Lazarus wrote: Is there any interest in a patch to solve MS Windows issues although the patch would add s

[Lazarus] Strange ComboBox behavior (Windows)

2018-02-19 Thread Rolf Wetjen(rolf.wetjen--- via Lazarus
Hi Lazarus team, I've two issues with a ComboBox (csDropDown) control in Windows: 1. ComboBox.AutoSelect:=false isn't working. I seems that Windows always selects the whole ComboBox.Text at activation of the control. 2. Changing the ComboBox.Font (.Style, .Size or .Color) overwrites the Comb