Re: [Lazarus] Is there a TSpinButton component in Lazarus?

2020-09-20 Thread Ondrej Pokorny via lazarus
On 21.09.2020 00:49, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote: When I thought that I was close to getting through all of the problems porting an application from Delphi (I think D7-D2007) to FPC/Lazarus I ran across TSpinButton, which is located on a form where config items are set up. Since Lazarus is unab

[Lazarus] Is there a TSpinButton component in Lazarus?

2020-09-20 Thread Bo Berglund via lazarus
When I thought that I was close to getting through all of the problems porting an application from Delphi (I think D7-D2007) to FPC/Lazarus I ran across TSpinButton, which is located on a form where config items are set up. Since Lazarus is unable to load this form I cannot see what it does or how

[Lazarus] FileUtil.FindAllFiles - changes strings inside

2020-09-20 Thread AlexeyT via lazarus
procedure TFileSearcher.Search(ASearchPath: String; ASearchMask: String;   ASearchSubDirs: Boolean; CaseSensitive: Boolean = False);     while ASearchPath<>'' do begin   p:=Pos(FPathSeparator,ASearchPath);   if p<1 then     p:=length(ASearchPath)+1;   Dir:=ResolveDots(LeftStr(ASea

Re: [Lazarus] FileUtil.FindAllFiles - case-sensitive on Unix

2020-09-20 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus
On Mon, 21 Sep 2020, AlexeyT via lazarus wrote: procedure FindAllFiles(AList: TStrings; const SearchPath: String; ?? Searcher.Search(SearchPath, SearchMask, SearchSubDirs); Here we miss parameter "CaseSensitive=False". So on Linux it is False and function does case-insens search. It is slow

[Lazarus] FileUtil.FindAllFiles - case-sensitive on Unix

2020-09-20 Thread AlexeyT via lazarus
procedure FindAllFiles(AList: TStrings; const SearchPath: String;    Searcher.Search(SearchPath, SearchMask, SearchSubDirs); Here we miss parameter "CaseSensitive=False". So on Linux it is False and function does case-insens search. It is slower! Why not to add param True for Unix. Not sure ab

Re: [Lazarus] Mac: High DPI TImage and TTrayIcon

2020-09-20 Thread Ondrej Pokorny via lazarus
On 20.09.2020 14:17, Tobias Giesen via lazarus wrote: Hello, I am finally trying to give my app some high DPI icons and graphics. Many thanks for the High DPI demos, which help a lot! However I have no idea if it is possible to have a high DPI TImage and TTrayIcon? Is there maybe some runtime

[Lazarus] Mac: High DPI TImage and TTrayIcon

2020-09-20 Thread Tobias Giesen via lazarus
Hello, I am finally trying to give my app some high DPI icons and graphics. Many thanks for the High DPI demos, which help a lot! However I have no idea if it is possible to have a high DPI TImage and TTrayIcon? Is there maybe some runtime code needed to make it possible? It would be so great i