Re: [Lazarus] IDE rebuild fails on raspi4

2020-02-16 Thread Tom Lisjac via lazarus
Hi Bo, Again, thanks for your many useful replies. Your approach to doing a local user build is a good one and what I'll also do on the problematic Raspbian. May also try it on another distro I like called Devuan. They used to release Pi versions but stopped with the 4B, so I'll have to build the

[Lazarus] TForm.CreateNew - form hides not immediately

2020-02-16 Thread Alexey Tor. via lazarus
Linux gtk2.   Form:= TForm.CreateNew(Application.MainForm);   Form.Visible:= FOption; if FOption=False, form flickers! it appears for 0.2sec and hides. Can we avoid flicker and just hide? Maybe AVisible param can be added to CreateNew? It is so on all widgetsets? -- Regards, Alexey -- _