On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 00:01:38 +0200, Werner Pamler via lazarus
>Did you set HideSelection to false?
Did not know it existed...
Set to true by default.
But when I unchecked it and tried to skip the code I showed it did not
When I returned to the listview the selected item was unselect
Just thought I'd let the makers of this wonderful software know that it
installs almost flawlessly on a newish Chromebook.
Screen shot to prove it:
Packages chosen were the .deb ones from Sourceforge and below is a dump of the
history of c
Did you set HideSelection to false?
lazarus mailing list
On Mon, 19 Aug 2019 18:21:06 +0200, Bo Berglund via lazarus
>How can this be accomplished?
I ended up adding the code below after reading this:
procedure TfrmEditCuts.lvCutListCustomDrawItem(Sender:
Item: TListItem; State:
Am 18.08.2019 um 11:41 schrieb Tobias Giesen via lazarus:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use Lazarus on a ppc64el processor under Ubuntu.
> Unfortunately startlazarus and lazarus crash with a segmentation fault in
> a call to XGetWindowProperty in gtk2widgetset.inc in function
> TGtk2WidgetSet.GetWin
I have a dialog which is used to enable changing the order of certain
items. The items are displayed in a TListView component in report
mode, each item occupies one line and shows several properties in the
Now I want to be able to select the row (list.Rowselect = true) when
clicking on it.