
2019-02-17 Thread Xesús González Rato
Hello everyone, I am Xesús González Rato, and I’d like to contribute to OpenOffice localisation into Asturian language. Regards! Xesús Enviado desde Correo para Windows 10

New Pootle Account

2019-02-17 Thread Xesús González Rato
Hello my name is Xesús González Rato and I’m from Asturies (Spain). Please create a Pootle account for me. I state my contributions are under the Apache 2 license and I will work on Asturian language. My preferred username is “Esbardu”. Thanks in advance, Xesús Unviáu dende Corréu pa Windows

Re: New Pootle Account

2019-02-18 Thread Xesús González Rato
Thank you very much Keith! Nice to meet you. El lun., 18 feb. 2019 19:49, Keith N. McKenna escribió: > My pleasure > > On 2/18/2019 4:59 AM, Mechtilde wrote: > > Hello Keith, > > > > thank you > > > > Am 17.02.19 um 22:16 schrieb Keith N. McKenna: > &g