Hello everyone, I am Xesús González Rato, and I’d like to contribute to
OpenOffice localisation into Asturian language.
Enviado desde Correo para Windows 10
Hello my name is Xesús González Rato and I’m from Asturies (Spain). Please
create a Pootle account for me. I state my contributions are under the Apache 2
license and I will work on Asturian language. My preferred username is
Thanks in advance,
Unviáu dende Corréu pa Windows
Thank you very much Keith! Nice to meet you.
El lun., 18 feb. 2019 19:49, Keith N. McKenna
> My pleasure
> On 2/18/2019 4:59 AM, Mechtilde wrote:
> > Hello Keith,
> >
> > thank you
> >
> > Am 17.02.19 um 22:16 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
> &g