+1 for QTZ for RCs and maybe for release too.
For system open dialogs:
File - Open dialog, word "Version" is not translatable.
wbr, sb
2014-12-22 15:14 GMT+03:00 Olivier Hallot :
> Hello
> I miss the qtz language in our last RC1 release... Can it be generated
> and made available for
Writer - Table - "Delete table " is not translatable.
wbr, sb
2014-12-22 21:32 GMT+03:00 Serg Bormant :
> Hi,
> +1 for QTZ for RCs and maybe for release too.
> For system open dialogs:
> File - Open dialog, word "Version" is not translatable.
Writer - Table - Delete - "Table " is not translatable (and has no icon).
Calc - Format - Number format - "Time" is not translatable.
wbr, sb
2014-12-22 21:37 GMT+03:00 Serg Bormant :
> Hi,
> Writer - Table - "Delete table " is not translatable.
please confirm:
wbr, sb
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Hi Christian and all,
where can I get backup of russian 4.2 project? Please email me link or
archive. There was some strings not commited to our local svn.
If the date of 4.2 project removing was published sometime somewere it
seems to me I missed it.
Thanks in advance.
wbr, sb
2015-01-09 21:28 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier :
> I put the dump of the files as they were just before the removal here:
> http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/tmp/pootle_42/
Great, thank you.
wbr, sb
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Hi all,
2015-01-27 2:17 GMT+03:00 Harald Köster :
> Hi all,
> some menu items are not translated into German in version
> According Christian Kühl all items are translated in Pootle, hence it
> seems that these items are not marked as translatable.
> The following items are effected:
Hi all,
>> (3) Writer: "Shapes" (Insert > Shapes)
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88236
Writer - Insert - Shapes submenu was added with commit:
LO still has untranslata
> LO still has untranslatable item. There is no .uno:ShapesMenu in
> pootle:
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/ru/libo_ui/translate/#search=ShapesMenu&sfields=source
wbr, sb
To uns
sorry, third try :)
>> LO still has untranslatable item. There is no .uno:ShapesMenu in
>> pootle:
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/ru/libo_ui/translate/#search=ShapesMenu&sfields=source
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/ru/libo_ui/translate/#search=ShapesMe
there is something strange in translating process.
Pootle says, that 4.3 ui (RU) completed at 100%, so there are no
untranslated items here:
It seems ok and nothing to translate, isnt't it?
So start LO4.3 Draw, select Russian ui, choo
Hi Christian, All,
Thanks for clarification.
2015-02-17 17:32 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier :
> Those strings were not flagged as translatable in the 4.3 branch. only
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=927a869b9ac0e8a36de08f160a0c9a42452ef3aa
> made them translatable.
Hi all,
2015-02-18 17:43 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi Serg, Adolfo, *,
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
> wrote:
>> 2015-02-18 9:12 GMT+00:00 Serg Bormant :
>>> This commit made on 2014-09-03. Is it good time now to merge the
Hi, all.
2015-06-26 13:47 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier
> The bulk of changed strings in UI is from the added emoji autocorrect
> file (1395 "words").
"emoji autocorrect file", what is it exactly? Do we need to translate
these "words"? Are there any hints about using space character in
2015-06-29 15:37 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier
> But just noticed a bug in pootle. It doesn't display the developer
> comments for the higher unicode samples...
> e.g. for the cent symbol:
> ¢ (U+000A2), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji
> 6xmho
> Must be unicode related bug in
2015-07-20 12:11 GMT+03:00 Németh László :
> duplicate_emoji_ru.txt
Fixed for Russian.
wbr, sb
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The LO build doesn't contains some fixes from Russian
translation in Pootle.
Please update translation from pootle for next build.
Thanks in advance.
wbr, sb
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Hi all,
2015-09-11 18:28 GMT+03:00 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos :
> Serg, can you please be more specific, as Cloph said? It is sometimes
> helpful to check the translations repository. For example, this is the
> most recent update:
> https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=translations.git;a=commit;h=
2015-09-24 19:53 GMT+03:00 Rhoslyn Prys :
> But I'm only seeing English USA. I'm not seeing KeyID, nor de, ar, ja or ru.
> I'm doing something wrong here.
> Any suggestions?
Click Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages,
then select KeyID in User interface dropbox and restart LO.
Here is Russian
label_history_tab_all: История
label_history_tab_comments: Комментарии
wbr, sb
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Pootle shows wrong statistics, doesn't show incomplete items and
cannot find them with search as compared with downloaded for offline
translation files.
For ex., Pootle project
indicates only these incomplete items
737 in
> On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 11:35 AM, Serg Bormant wrote:
>> Pootle shows wrong statistics, doesn't show incomplete items and
>> cannot find them with search as compared with downloaded for offline
>> translation files.
> So what makes you think
Dear developers,
please include in RCs and release builds qtz (KeyID) locale.
It incredibly helps to identify these strings only by swiching UI
language to KeyID and back.
wbr, sb
2015-12-18 3:32 GMT+03:00 Martin Srebotnjak :
> Hi, all,
> I just entered this bug report:
> https://bugs.docu
2016-06-06 14:00 GMT+03:00 Eike Rathke :
> Hi,
> So I did this for our locales that match
> http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/29/by_type/numbers.number_formatting_patterns.html#17acd127f9139476
> bas· ·be· ·br· ·ce· ·cs· ·cu· ·da· ·de· ·dsb· ·dua· ·en_AT· ·en_DE·
> ·en_DK· ·en_FI· ·en_SE
2016-06-06 14:00 GMT+03:00 Eike Rathke :
> Hi,
> So I did this for our locales that match
> http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/29/by_type/numbers.number_formatting_patterns.html#17acd127f9139476
> bas· ·be· ·br· ·ce· ·cs· ·cu· ·da· ·de· ·dsb· ·dua· ·en_AT· ·en_DE·
> ·en_DK· ·en_FI· ·en_SE
2016-06-09 23:54 GMT+03:00 Eike Rathke :
> I can replace it with a U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE, or would Russian
> speakers prefer no space at all like it was before?
No space at all, please.
wbr, sb
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Test please.
LibreOffice Version:
Build ID: a7567a46e5d2953c320b13eb88a3981c4f9bd1e0
1. Start Writer
2. Select menu View - Toolbars - Classification
3. Tollbar has untranslatable items
3.1. Label
"National Security:"
3.2. Contents of three dropdown lists
Update of po files to current 5.2 git state doesn't bring new
"Gallery" (should it?)
LO has some untranslatable "Gallery":
1. Writer:
-- View - Gallery
-- Insert - Media - Gallery
2. Calc:
-- Insert - Media - Gallery
3. Draw:
-- View - Gallery
-- Insert - Media - Gallery
LO fixed "Gallery" and "Fontwork" translation.
Sorry for inconvenience.
wbr, sb
2016-07-21 9:47 GMT+03:00 Serg Bormant :
> Hi,
> Thanks.
> Update of po files to current 5.2 git state doesn't bring new
> "Gallery" (should
There are some untranslatable items
(LO Build ID: 7dbd85f5a18cfeaf6801c594fc43a5edadc2df0c).
0. Select Tools - Customize... menu
1. Select Format from category list:
2. Select Table from category list:
know when Pootle po files were last updated for 5.2.x.
> Lp, m.
> 2016-07-28 9:31 GMT+02:00 Serg Bormant :
>> Hi,
>> There are some untranslatable items
>> (LO Build ID: 7dbd85f5a18cfeaf6801c594fc43a5edadc2df0c).
>> 0.
They are Draw and Impress, select Tools - Customize... - Keyboard tab,
Functions section.
wbr, sb
2016-07-29 14:11 GMT+03:00 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi Serg, *,
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 9:31 AM, Serg Bormant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There are some untransl
> Cloph has triggered an update this morning so it should be complete for beta2.
Some items are still untranslatabe:
1) 4 items in Writer - View - Toolbar Layout submenu (experimental must be On):
- Default
- Single toolbar
- Sidebar
- Notebookbar
2) 1 item in Writer - Format - Rotate subme
Hi all,
the same problem seem to affect Russian language in pootle.
UI-master initially had more than 5000 untranslated items in master,
3790 still to do for now (4540 minus 750 from extra/souces/autocorr).
Could someone from the Pootle team look at this, please?
wbr, sb
2017-01-03 13:33 GMT
Another big +1 for what Martin and Mikhel have said about matching
existing translations and not losing the ability to translate to
different targets depending on the context.
And another bad thing if we lost qtz (KeyIDs) pseudo locale to differ
one entry from another.
wbr, sb, Russian Team
Hi all,
> Would be nice to get also Spanish and Russian.
Russian is added.
wbr, sb
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Added for Russian.
wbr, sb
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What the fucking shit happens again and again release to release? In
Russian we get 7_540 items to translate and most of them are tinkering
with English source items, that doesn't change anything in translated
items, but again, agai
2017-10-06 23:12 GMT+03:00 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos :
> 2017-10-06 10:45 GMT-05:00 Serg Bormant :
>> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=029f2fdc
> What is your point?
It is very simple.
As I can see, Pootle has 135 languages now and some teams work offl
Hi all,
2017-11-14 16:56 GMT+03:00 Sophie :
> Hi Kevin,
> Le 12/11/2017 à 18:19, Kevin Scannell a écrit :
>>A related question... I presume the PO files from Pootle are
>> committed to a git repository somewhere. I found this:
>> https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=translations.git;a
> To choose another language, click here.
Для выбора другого языка щёлкните здесь.
> Older versions of LibreOffice (may be unsupported!) are available in the
Прежние версии LibreOffice (возможно неподдерживаемые!) доступны в архиве.
wbr, sb
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Hi Eike, all
Here is Russian GenitiveMonths patch.
Cc-ed to e-mail.
wbr, sb
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oject are under LGPLv3+ and MPL 1.1.
wbr, sb
2011/11/28 Eike Rathke :
> Hi Serg,
> On Monday, 2011-11-28 13:45:11 +0400, Serg Bormant wrote:
>> Here is Russian GenitiveMonths patch.
> Thanks, pushed to master
> http://cgit.freedes
Hi, all.
Someone broke Russian translation of NLPSolver in
(broken encoding).
Damages similar to processing content with wrong (not UTF-8) encoding.
Can anybody restore it to early valid state?
wbr, sb
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Hi, Andras, all.
> Done.
wbr, sb
2011/12/18 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> 2011/12/18 Serg Bormant :
>> Hi, all.
>> Someone broke Russian translation of NLPSolver in
>> http://translations.documentfoundation.org/ru/extensions/NLPSolver/
Hi, Andras, all.
> Non-fatal errors:
> ru
wbr, sb
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List arc
> By the way, error logs from beta3 are online, please check and fix those
> errors. http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/errorlog/
I believe it's now fixed for ru.
wbr, sb
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2012/1/12 Eike Rathke :
> If in your locale input of incomplete/abbreviated dates shall be
> allowed, this will need a element be added to
> locale data, for example in en-US it's "M/D" and in de-DE it's "D.M."
> (both already in).
> Just mail me the pattern(s) for your locale, I'll add it
Russian is fixed now.
wbr, sb
2012/6/17 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> I'd like to update translations in git tomorrow for the 3.6.0 beta2
> release. Please find the error logs at
> http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/errorlog/ Please correct errors in
> Pootle, especially the fatal errors.
2012/7/5 Andras Timar :
>> I looked at pootle now, and I have seen quite a number of things I
>> already translated to be empty/untranslated (both in UI and help).
>> Fortunately, I did have the files saved locally, so I fixed the UI
>> translation just by uploaded them, but the help file w
4.0.0 Beta2 binary (rpm) can not start on Slackware64-14.0.
How to reproduce:
1) download
2) untar, remove unnecessary rpms, unpack rpms, make and insta
we cannot translate commands from Calc / Tools / Customize:
.uno:PasteOnly; .uno:PastOnlyFormula; .uno:PasteOnlyText; .uno:PasteOnlyValue
.uno:ClorScaleDialog; .uno:DataBarDialog
.uno:DeleteShapeHyperlink; .uno:EditShapeHyperlink
are there any ideas about missing msgids from
There is a list of missing items from Calc / Tools / Customize:
.uno:PasteOnly; .uno:PastOnlyFormula; .uno:PasteOnlyText; .uno:PasteOnlyValue
.uno:ClorScaleDialog; .uno:Dat
2013/9/3 Andras Timar :
> I updated http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/error-report/report-4.1.txt
Russian is fixed in Pootle.
wbr, sb
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gt; Le 24/10/2013 12:59, Serg Bormant a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Fixed in pootle with:
> Thanks a lot!
> Kind regards
> Sophie
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Hi all,
There is something strange after updating on 2013-12-30 Pootle
"LibreOffice 4.2 – UI" Russian project to latest template:
Old po catalogs have creation date 2013-12-01 when new have 2013-11-20:
< "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-01 17:38+0100\n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-20 13:02+0100\n"
Hi all,
There are untranslated AutoText files in LibreOffice 4.2 RC2 (Russian).
How to reproduce:
Start Writer, go to menu Edit, Auto Text.
There are untranslated items in list on the left:
- Business Cards, Work (3 1/2 x 2)
- Only for Templates
- Standard
and their subtrees.
These items come fr
some translation bugs were fixed in Russian UI pootle at 2014-01-20 23:20.
Please, update russian PO set in build system for RC3 from Pootle, if possible.
wbr, sb
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msgcat reports 4 errors in svx/source/items.po from pootle UI 4.3
project (line numbers from russian):
svx/source/items.po:636: duplicate message definition...
svx/source/items.po:627: ...this is the location of the first definition
svx/source/items.po:646: duplicate message definition...
I'm unable to download Russian zips too.
wbr, sb
2014-07-03 13:47 GMT+04:00 Gabor Kelemen :
> Hi
> As of now, I'm unable to download a zip archive of t
60 matches
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