El dt., 15 d’ag. 2023, 8:55, Heiko Tietze <
heiko.tie...@documentfoundation.org> va escriure:
> Looking into the code it seems not to be possible. Unlike other settings /
> commands the auto correction is done hard-coded [1]. But I might be wrong
> here
> and a true developer should verify this.
Joan, I totally support this motion, so please paste a link to the bug
report you create here.
Thank you,
V V sre., 16. avg. 2023 ob 17:35 je oseba Joan Montané
> El dt., 15 d’ag. 2023, 8:55, Heiko Tietze <
> heiko.tie...@documentfoundation.org> va escriure:
> > Looking into
Missatge de Martin Srebotnjak del dia dc., 16 d’ag.
2023 a les 18:38:
> Joan, I totally support this motion, so please paste a link to the bug report
> you create here.
> Thank you,
> Martin
Hi Martin!
It's here [1]. My English isn't very good. Feel free to comment the issue, :)
Kind rega