I would like to ask if there is a possibility to view the LO help
locally using a local copy of its po files, eventually with message key-id.
It would help me in help translation
email: sramek.mi...@gmail.com, jabber: milos.sra...@jabber.sk
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Is there a way to improve the translation memory match algorithm for our
Help strings? In the example below, the match for me is zero, while
only 2 lines were added (Firebird and PostgreSQL).
LO 75:
(Base)Database Wizard
(Base)databases; formats
(Base)MySQL databases
Hi Milos
I have no trick for that except building the whole LO (with the Help),
but let me give you a tip, in case you use weblate to translate.
It will open the Help page where the string belongs.
In weblate user configuration, Preferences tab and "Link to editor" box,
change the box conten