About my first post, on suggest of Allan Nordhøy, I post link so
others can gauge for themselvesn.
The The Document Foundation Wiki page Translations:Faq/General/015/3/it
has been changed on 2022-05-08 by Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, see
Hi Manuel, nice to hear from you for the first time.
I don't understand why Adolfo Jayme Barrientos allows himself to
> translate the pages already translated into Italian by revising them.
Wiki pages have no owners and anybody can edit them without asking first;
this is how any wiki site works
> I have received information from a user that a string on the website is
> not translatable.
Hi Annabelle! I can confirm that the string is nowhere to be found on
In case someone from the Website team can add it manually, here are some
EN: "Key management software for