Hello all,
Not sure whether this is correct list for asking improvements to the
Weblate process. So I will not post my issue here, but just ask where to
post an improvement demand for Weblate.
Many thanks
Best regards
Leo Moons
To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@g
On 30.12.2020 10.58, Leo Moons wrote:
Not sure whether this is correct list for asking improvements to the
Weblate process. So I will not post my issue here, but just ask where to
post an improvement demand for Weblate.
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Hi *,
On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:24 AM Ilmari Lauhakangas
> On 30.12.2020 10.58, Leo Moons wrote:
> > Not sure whether this is correct list for asking improvements to the
> > Weblate process. So I will not post my issue here, but just ask where to
> > post an improvement demand for Webla
Hi, Could you fix these alert messages? ... It is a 404 due to a URL
[image: image.png]
> Paul
To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
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Posting guidelines + more: ht
Hi Paul,
attachments are eliminated when distributing a mail to this list, you
have to upload them to a cloud store and provide the link in another
mail. Besides that, at least according to my restricted knowledge, your
description of the situation causing the error is not very clear.