The extension was archived for some reason. I put it back to life.
Btw. Batmunkh has two extension online, apparently one spellchecker with English
description the other in Mongolian.
On 14.11.20 22:18, Battsengel Ichinnorov wrote:
> Hi,
> the person answered me again and asking me, why in his
hey, thanks for reply. i think you guys or me misunderstanding us:
he wanted replace/disable/archiv/delete the old one.
and he wants to have *only the new one*. so he archived the old one, but
could not anymore work with the new one.
hopefully now clear what he wants. if not just write/ask me ag
Hear! Hear !
A big thank you for Steve Fanning, Gordon Bates, Kees Kriek, Annie
Nguyen, Samantha Hamilton, Jean Hollis Weber, and Felipe Viggiano.
Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation