The next Marketing Call on
October 8, 2020, at 1PM UTC (3PM CEST),
will be entirely focused on the discussion of the Marketing Plan, using
the last version as starting point (as all previous discussions have
been distilled into that version:
Hello, l10n community,
does someone have a clue how all the l10n efforts of LO could be
numerically measured/represented?
Like what amount of the l10n effort of LO project is contributed by "the
community" and how much by the "ecosystem companies".
Since at the time being only new/changed lines
Although statistics are missing, probably over 95% of localizations are
contributed by the community, and this is constantly affirmed in all the
presentations we are making around the world (I already did more than 20
during 2020, and I will do others before the end of the year).
Unfortunately, co
As for translators, I think the community should differentiate a type of
l10n contributor. So it must be only two types, as mentioned:
1. "the community";
2. "ecosystem companies".
Scoring these parameters, it might be a little statistics :)
Obviously, the work implies some site correction.
ср, 30