On 30/07/2020 16:57, DaeHyun Sung wrote:
> 성능 - 호환성 - 사용성
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On 30/07/2020 19:37, Mihail Balabanov wrote:
> Производителност - Съвместимост - Ползваемост
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On 30/07/2020 21:10, Modestas Rimkus wrote:
> Lithuanian:
> Našumas - Suderinamumas - Paprastumas
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On 30/07/2020 21:16, Julien Malard wrote:
> Performance - Compatibilité - Exploitabilité
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On 31/07/2020 00:45, Andras Timar wrote:
> Teljesítmény - Kompatibilitás - Használhatóság
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On 31/07/2020 08:10, Andika Triwidada wrote:
> Kinerja - Kompatibilitas - Usabilitas
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On 31/07/2020 08:38, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Prestaties - Compatibiliteit - Gebruiksgemak
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On 30/07/2020 16:58, Elisabetta Manuele wrote:
> Efficiente - Compatibile - Immediato
Thanks, Elisabetta! Here it is:
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On 30/07/2020 20:25, Євген Кондратюк wrote:
> In Ukrainian: Продуктивний - Сумісний - Зручний
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Thanks Mike, here's the Welsh version:
Cyflym - Cydnaws - Defnyddiol
Ar 29/07/2020 16:58, ysgrifennodd Mike Saunders:
I've created this banner, that we can use for social media and other
things around the LibreOffice 7.0 launch:
On 31/07/2020 11:36, Rhoslyn Prys wrote:
> Cyflym - Cydnaws - Defnyddiol
Thanks, Rhoslyn - here it is:
Do we have any Welsh-language LibreOffice social media, by the way? If
not, would you be inter
2020-07-31, pn, 10:45 Mike Saunders
> > Lithuanian:
> >
> > Našumas - Suderinamumas - Paprastumas
> https://blog.documentfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/LO70_banner_tagline_hires_LT.png
Thanks Mike, but... the letter "š" with diacritic cannot be rendered
properly with the cu
On 31/07/2020 12:19, Modestas Rimkus wrote:
> Thanks Mike, but... the letter "š" with diacritic cannot be rendered
> properly with the current font. I've noticed a similar problem in
> Polish, too. I guess changing the font is not an option. Could you
> please then change the translation of "Per
2020-07-31, pn, 13:47 Mike Saunders
> But anyway, I've chosen a very similar font, so reload this:
> https://blog.documentfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/LO70_banner_tagline_hires_LT.png
> ...and it should look fine now!
Yep, looks great. Thanks!
To unsubsc
Hi everyone,
We've awarded 50 special, custom badges with embedded metadata, for the
50 most active contributors on Weblate so far this year:
Congrats to everyone who got a badge, and than
Hi, Mike,
for Slovenian (sl) please use:
Zmogljivost – Združljivost – Uporabnost
V V pet., 31. jul. 2020 ob 12:50 je oseba Modestas Rimkus <
modestas.rim...@gmail.com> napisala:
> 2020-07-31, pn, 13:47 Mike Saunders
> rašė:
> > But anyway, I've chosen a very similar font, so reloa
Mike Saunders schrieb:
Hi everyone,
We've awarded 50 special, custom badges with embedded metadata, for the
50 most active contributors on Weblate so far this year:
Congrats to everyone
On 31/07/2020 15:29, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> for Slovenian (sl) please use:
> Zmogljivost – Združljivost – Uporabnost
Thanks Martin - here it is:
To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubsc
Hi, Mike,
again, the font does not support ž (letters with caron) properly, can you
please do something about it?
Maybe render the whole line in another font? Or add the caron manually?
Shouldn't TDF/LO use some font for its designs that really supports all
scripts/unicode properly? I have ranted
Unfortunately, Vegur - which was chosen in 2010 for the LibreOffice logo
- has not been developed properly with diacritical signs, and represents
an issue for many languages. I think we should make a search for a truly
global font which can be visually associated to the LibreOffice logo,
and start
On 31/07/2020 16:52, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> again, the font does not support ž (letters with caron) properly, can you
> please do something about it?
> Maybe render the whole line in another font? Or add the caron manually?
Ah sorry about that, didn't see it -- OK, try reloading:
Thanks, Mike,
this is now fine.
Lp, m.
V V pet., 31. jul. 2020 ob 17:12 je oseba Mike Saunders <
mike.saund...@documentfoundation.org> napisala:
> On 31/07/2020 16:52, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> >
> > again, the font does not support ž (letters with caron) properly, can you
> > please do somethi
Please send me the text. I shall do the EO translation.
On 29/07/20 8:02 pm, sophi wrote:
Hi all,
If you want to localize the 7.0 announcement and you're not on the
marketing private list, let me know, I'll send it to you. Once
translated, send it back to Italo, he has an inter
Cor Nouws schreef op 31.07.2020 08:42:
Hi Kees,
Hi Cor
kees...@libreoffice.org wrote on 30/07/2020 06:38:
I like to localize the 7.0 announcement and I am not on the marketing
private list.
Would you like to be on that?
Sure, why not.
So please send it to me.
I've attached it for y
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