Hi Valter,
Le 05/07/2020 à 10:55, Valter Mura a écrit :
> Hi All
> I noticed that the Site page:
> https://pootle.documentfoundation.org/pages/contributors/[1]
> is not updated. Not considering the Master section, the updates do not cover
> versions
> from 5 to 6.
> Is it possible to
I want to remove unneeded suggests. But I can't how can I do it. Please
Best regards,
Dr. Ayhan Yalçınsoy (PhD)
Management and Organization
+90 507 231 57 79
Pisi Linux Developer
Libreoffice Translator
To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http
On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 6:43 AM sophi wrote:
> Thanks a lot for pointing on that, I'll update the page taking the stats
> provided by Weblate. I'll do so on Wednesday.
Oh, so the page is manually updated after all. I stand corrected.
Then, why not move that information to the wiki so any of us in
Hi Adolfo,
Le 06/07/2020 à 13:56, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos a écrit :
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 6:43 AM sophi wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for pointing on that, I'll update the page taking the stats
>> provided by Weblate. I'll do so on Wednesday.
> Oh, so the page is manually updated after all. I stand
Hi all,
Yes, I too think using the wiki is a good idea going forward. But how
about the translators between 2015 (when, judging by the version
numbers, the contributor page was last updated) and 2019 (when Weblate
was adopted)? Are the names of contributors still recoverable from
Hi Ayhan,
Le 06/07/2020 à 13:51, Ayhan YALÇINSOY a écrit :
> Hi,
> I want to remove unneeded suggests. But I can't how can I do it. Please
> help.
You should be able to remove them now
Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
The D
Hi Ayhan,
Le 03/07/2020 à 18:46, ayhanyalcin...@pisilinux.org a écrit :
> Hi all,
> we are planning a localization activity in July 5, 2020. Our goal is finish
> Turkish translation for Libreoffice-UI. We will be onFreenode#LibreOffice
> channel andJitsi.
Thank you for letting us know.
I hope all
After working on LO UI Master in Weblate and entering lots of strings
into the glossary, I have changed to editing LO Online. There appears to
be no glossy entries available.
The Help says:
Glossaries are shared among all components of the same project and you
can also choose to share them wit
I have the same.
I can only delete my own sugestions but not others.
sophi schreef op 06.07.2020 17:57:
Hi Ayhan,
Le 06/07/2020 à 13:51, Ayhan YALÇINSOY a écrit :
I want to remove unneeded suggests. But I can't how can I do it.
You should be able to remove them now