Hi Donald,
Le 16/06/2020 à 00:38, Donald a écrit :
> In Weblate
> Source string comment AoPeM
> There appears to be something wrong with this text. It ends with "or",
> which is unlikely to be correct.
> Is the programmer trying to put together sentences from more than one
> element? I think tha
Hi, Sophie
I am not sure if I have the right link:
Translation file
eo/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po, string 719
If that is not the right one, can you find it from this text copied from
the screen?
Cliquez sur l'icône Créer une requête en mode SQL id="img_id3154071" src="cm
I have a suggestion if possible to do, as you know dictionaries are too
much because of too much languages are available in world, In weblate its
very tired work to translate these one strings and these extra steps to
comeback another string then translate another 1 string for different
Le 16/06/2020 à 11:26, Donald a écrit :
> Hi, Sophie
> I am not sure if I have the right link:
> Translation file
> eo/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po, string 719
> If that is not the right one, can you find it from this text copied from
> the screen?
> French
> Cliquez sur
The newly released Weblate 4.1 allows for cross-project glossaries, similar
to what we had in Pootle with its globally encompassing “Terminology”
project. Let's just wait for our instance to be upgraded…
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