Hi Kees, all,
kees...@libreoffice.org wrote on 08/06/2020 06:59:
>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/apps/files/?dir=/LibreOffice%20Documentation/Dutch/Handleidingen/03%20Handleiding%20voor%20Calc/LibreOffice%206.2&fileid=127204
>> I downloaded 03HvCLO062-Handleiding voor Calc.odt and it
Hi Alu,
Le 08/06/2020 à 02:36, Alu Assao a écrit :
> Hi!
> I want to start the Hausa language translation project, could you help me
> with that?
Great to have you there! What is your user name in Weblate?
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
Hi Shinji,
Le 08/06/2020 à 05:31, Shinji Enoki a écrit :
> Hi,
> Alu is working on LibreOffice as one of the internship themes at
> iCraft Corp in Japan. I support him as a LibreOffice Japanese
> community member.
> He is from Niger. And his mother language is Hausa.
> He is interested in transl
Hi all,
And today it's all # signs again. The image for the title in NextCloud is
different from the other documents is this folder.
Greetings, Henk.
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: kees...@libreoffice.org
Verzonden: maandag 8 juni 2020 07:03
Aan: h.vdb...@hccnet.nl
CC: 'Cor Nouws' ; 'do
Hi all,
The chapter in the complete book is intact. I still have the file that only
contains a few notes, that is the file that was sent to Kees on 16-6-2019 for
Greetings, Henk.
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Cor Nouws
Verzonden: maandag 8 juni 2020 10:15
Aan: kees...@li
I filtered chapter 5 from the full book "Handleiding voor Calc 6.2".
With that I created a new separate chapter 5 and uploaded it to
in my opinion that solves the problem.
Regards, Kees
Cor Nouws schreef op 08.06.2020 10:14:
Hi Kees, all,
kees...@libreoffice.org wrote on 08/06/202
Hello Hebrew team
The page
has issues. It will be nice to have it fixed.
Thanks and Regards
Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00