Hi *,
following a pocheck report for 6-4 branch specifically.
Langauges with errors: am cy dsb fy mn nb szl vec
I tweaked the link generation a bit to be more specific and also maps
language codes to the ones used by weblate.
Pocheck error report for # am #
Spreadsheet function name
some time ago we have discussed the website translation. Does anybody
know the situation? Is there a chance that the website strings will be
resurrected from pootle and transferred to weblate?
On 4/15/20 10:01 AM, Valter Mura wrote:
> In data martedì 14 aprile 2020 16:19:13 CEST
For Frisia (fy) i can't locatie wat is wrong. The link gives my no matching
strings found.
I did a Manuel check of the words an also couldn't find it
Op wo 13 mei 2020 13:42 schreef Christian Lohmaier <
> Hi *,
> following a pocheck report for 6-4
Hi Berend,
-- Original --
From: "Berend Ytsma"
Send time: Thursday, May 14, 2020 6:49 AM
> Hi,
> For Frisia (fy) i can't locatie wat is wrong. The link gives my no matching
> strings found.
Try this one: