Hi all,
There are still several languages containing wrong translation of
function names and identifiers, please correct them.
Here is the list of languages impacted:
As a reminder, translated function names MUST NOT contain
what character a "long dot" is? How does it look? What Unicode code does
it have?
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Le 31/03/2020 à 15:03, Michael Wolf a écrit :
> Hi,
> what character a "long dot" is? How does it look? What Unicode code does
> it have?
Where did you see that? I searched
but didn't find anything
Sophie Gautier sophi
sophi schrieb:
Where did you see that? I searched
but didn't find anything
Hi Sophie,
it's one of the today's new strings in Master:
For me a dot can be either big
On Tue, 2020-03-31 at 15:03 +0200, Michael Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> what character a "long dot" is? How does it look? What Unicode code
> does it have?
Is this RID_SVXSTR_DASH1 "Long Dot" ? If so it isn't a character but a
fairly recent addition of an attempt at a description for a line style
seen i
Caolán McNamara schrieb:
Is this RID_SVXSTR_DASH1 "Long Dot" ? If so it isn't a character but a
fairly recent addition of an attempt at a description for a line style
seen in e.g. impress, format->object->line->line->line properties
Hi Caolán,
thank you, yes, you are right but this descript