Hi Sveinn, all,
Le 21/11/2019 à 08:33, Sveinn í Felli a écrit :
> Hi everyone;
> I have been trying to upload files through the Weblate instance, but
> every time the same error message appears:
> " Please fix errors in the form.
> Error in parameter method: This field is required. "
> Ha
Hi All
Il 20/11/19 11:29, sophi ha scritto:
Hi Yaron,
Le 19/11/2019 à 23:01, Yaron Shahrabani a écrit :
Which parts of this feedback was shared with Michal, the lead developer of
Is there any documentation about the reported bugs and where they stand?
Weblate bug reports are here: h
Hi Sophi,
Yesterday, I tried to register with weblate. It sends an e-mail for
verification. But unable to login with my credentials and not able to reset
the password also.
Thanks & Regards
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