You can join the telegram channel of the Design group and ask the maintainer. He is also in the German
telegram group- and some l10n support may help to improve the NB variants
(various similar terms are likely bad).
On 18.12.18 08:42, Michael Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
Hi, Michael,
It is the title/label of the tab with commands/icons/buttons for reviewing
the document/changes etc.
It might make sense to have it in the same form as other tab names/labels.
Lp, m.
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Martin Srebotnjak schrieb:
It is the title/label of the tab with commands/icons/buttons for reviewing
the document/changes etc.
It might make sense to have it in the same form as other tab names/labels.
Hi Martin,
thank you for your reply.
I downloaded the current daily to see how the noteb