[libreoffice-l10n] REMIND: Documentation team call is today at --> 19:30 <-- Berlin Time

2018-11-14 Thread Olivier Hallot
Hi Documentation Team (Guides, Help contents) ! Our documentation team meeting will take place today at 19:30 CET (Berlin time). We will use the following jitsi meeting room https://jitsi.documentfoundation.org/tdfdocteam The meeting room is supposed to work will all browsers without the need

[libreoffice-l10n] List of languages with unconfigured number of plurals

2018-11-14 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *, the following is a list of languages that don't have plural forms configured in Pootle. (as of today, Nov 14, 2018). MariaDB [pootle]> SELECT code,fullname FROM pootle_app_language WHERE nplurals=0 AND code!="templates" ORDER BY code; +---+--+ | code | fullname

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] permision to translate new website into POLISH

2018-11-14 Thread Manveru1986
Hi Piotr, I'm happy to join you if you'd lead the translation project. I still have translation permissions, but I wasn't eager to translate everything alone. pon., 5 lis 2018 o 21:27 Piotr Roszkowski napisał(a): > Dear all, > Currently I'm the only one who is translating LO into pl-PL (my poot

[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice Language Technology – News & Best practices

2018-11-14 Thread Németh László
Hi, After releasing Hunspell 1.7 with several improvements, including the fast and better spelling suggestion, I published the extended version of my presentation at LiboCon, Tirana: LibreOffice Language Technology – News & Best practices

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice Language Technology – News & Best practices

2018-11-14 Thread Sveinn í Felli
Thanks Németh, this is of great help for me as a translator to understand some of the features in Numbertext and other spelling-related tools. Will digest for a while. Good stuff... Best regards, Sveinn í Felli Þann 14.11.2018 16:46, skrifaði Németh László: Hi, After releasing Hunspell 1.7 <