Re: [libreoffice-l10n] correct Ctrl+Shift <> Shift+Ctrl ?

2018-10-03 Thread Martin Srebotnjak
Hi, is that really an error? Do all 100+ l10n teams have time and resources for that? Should not the focus be on missing help topics and function descriptions, if they exist? Lp, m. V V sre., 3. okt. 2018 ob 00:04 je oseba Adolfo Jayme Barrientos <> napisala: > This is yet

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] correct Ctrl+Shift <> Shift+Ctrl ?

2018-10-03 Thread Olivier Hallot
Hi Cor, I personally don't see enough benefits for the energy spent by translators reviewing hundreds of keystrokes like this in the Help, unless an automated and transparent procedure can be put in place, as Adolfo suggest. Hi Adolfo, Actually if it is a System convention, then we should use