After adding Indonesian dictionary to LibreOffice [1], now I'm
trying to add Indonesian thesaurus, taken from [2].
Problem is, thesaurus menu on Write still greyed out.
Would it be proper to request help to troubleshoot this,
by posting review request via gerrit? Or is there other preferre
On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:21 AM, Andika Triwidada wrote:
> Hello,
> After adding Indonesian dictionary to LibreOffice [1], now I'm
> trying to add Indonesian thesaurus, taken from [2].
> Problem is, thesaurus menu on Write still greyed out.
> Would it be proper to request help to trouble
Hi everyone,
We at The Document Foundation are going to order some more stickers
soon, to hand out at events. We have designs in English here:
Then there are the "Proud contributor" stickers from the Month of
Hi Mike,
Mike Saunders wrote on 08-03-18 16:22:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing/Material#Stickers_.28designs_for.29
Most liked are the designs of September 2017 and June 2017
(the latter can maybe benefit from some adapted
Document sign/placement at the left).
English OK he