Hi All
I notice new strings in UI and Help. For which version are they intended
to? 6.1?
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La bici non consuma e non produce emissioni, non ingombra e non fa
Yes, “master” means 6.1 right now.
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Il 05/03/2018 20:29, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos ha scritto:
Yes, “master” means 6.1 right now.
Thank you Adolfo
Open Source is better!
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La bici non consuma e non produce emissioni, non
I hope all the Indonesians are aware of the upcoming conference in
Surabaya: http://libreoffice.id. I will be there from Saturday, March
24, to Tuesday, March 27, and it could be a very good opportunity to
meet face to face.
On 02/03/2018 14:17, Andika Triwidada wrote:
>> I don't think