it's me or the string 67862555 in help (Choose Insert - Image -
From File - Properties button) does not have corresponding menu /
button in the UI ?
In 4.4: Insert - Image... -> file picker
In 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0: Insert - Image - From File -> file picker
Best regards.
Seuls des forma
Sorry, I have been away at the Mozilla work week and may have missed
this but what on earth is 'subtle tango green'? The fact it's in the
middle of the phrase suggests it's some sort of a shade or hue or
something but I'm not familiar at all with 'tango' in colour naming.
Þann mán 8.des 2014 06:23, skrifaði Michael Bauer:
Sorry, I have been away at the Mozilla work week and may have missed
this but what on earth is 'subtle tango green'? The fact it's in the
middle of the phrase suggests it's some sort of a shade or hue or
something but I'm not familiar at all wit