Is there a place where I can read more about the list of projects are
included in the current translation memory?
I suppose that these scripts are used for pulling translations to TM:
And is there any way to see from which project (and what v
> Hi,
> Is there a place where I can read more about the list of projects are
>> included in the current translation memory?
> I suppose that these scripts are used for pulling translations to TM:
> https://github.com/translate/amagama-updater
>> And is there any way to see from whi
Recently I have a made a new release of B-Translator,
which is based on Docker and is supposed to be more
easy to install: http://info.btranslator.org/install.html
However, I also have 200GB disk space on cloud,
so I can also offer free installation and hosting for
a few other languages (besi