I have joined the localisation mailist to help in disseminating any
Drupal news to these groups. I find that we should be informing them and
getting more feedback from the localised groups before the site goes
live. We need more participation from them especially once we are up to
testing speed
The Drupal Website Development Team
has been hard at work for the last several days at completing the design
of a proposed Drupal website Frontpage and theme. I would like to offer
thanks to all of the Web Dev.
In data martedì 23 novembre 2010 13:03:45, Marc Paré ha scritto:
> The Drupal Website Development Team
> (http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Website/Drupal#Drupal_Website_Developme
> nt_Team:) has been hard at work for the last several days at completing the
> design of a proposed Drupal website F
Le 2010-11-23 10:11, Valter Mura a écrit :
In data martedì 23 novembre 2010 13:03:45, Marc Paré ha scritto:
The Drupal Website Development Team
nt_Team:) has been hard at work for the last several days at completing the
Hi *,
please see my reply on the website list - but to mention it here as well:
I'd like to remind all that the website is still lacking content. Time
is passing by and only a handful of people are actually putting up
content to the site.
I'm puzzled as to how this is. If you need/want/miss any