On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 1:53 PM Olivier Hallot
> At your earliest convenience, can you fix the name of Guarani language
> from "gug (generated) gug" to Guarani Paraguay
> BTW, in Weblate github (*), I see Guarani as
> gn;Guarani;2;n != 1
And is the plurals form correct? (is the s
Hi Christian, Sophi
At your earliest convenience, can you fix the name of Guarani language
from "gug (generated) gug" to Guarani Paraguay
BTW, in Weblate github (*), I see Guarani as
gn;Guarani;2;n != 1
Thank you
(*) https://github.com/WeblateOrg/language-data/blob/master/languages.csv