If we publish a new version we inform the user via infobar and ask to read the release notes. Besides the issue of stacked infobars, this information and the presentation is not really suited for end users. On the other hand, we always prepare awesome best-of videos, yet not everyone follows us on social media.
The idea is to simply show a dialog with a few images combined with a short 
text, arranged in a carousel with next/previous buttons.
The challenges are
a) we have to prepare this shortly before a new version goes into feature freeze
b) the localization of some strings can not start earlier
c) the images occupy a couple of bytes locally but are not used after the first presentation
If you dislike the idea, please comment on 
Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Designer and UX-Mentor
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail: heiko.tie...@documentfoundation.org
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