Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate: help ranking what you need :)

2022-02-28 Thread Yaron Shahrabani
Hi, I want to vote for something that I'm not sure I've seen on the list: Dark (Night) theme for Weblate, Sadly it's not divided in tasks but there are some attempts. Thanks. Yaron Shahrabani On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 11:14 PM Stanislav Horáček

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate: help ranking what you need :)

2022-02-28 Thread Stanislav Horáček
Hi, Dne 23. 02. 22 v 9:47 sophi napsal(a): Hi all, The Board would like to dedicate a budget to fund some Weblate issues/enhancements and I'd like to have your feedback on what would be the most important for your team. Below is a list of tickets that I monitor on Weblate project. This is

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate: help ranking what you need :)

2022-02-28 Thread sophi
Hi Valter, Le 26/02/2022 à 18:24, Valter Mura a écrit : In data mercoledì 23 febbraio 2022 09:47:03 CET, sophi ha scritto: Hi all, The Board would like to dedicate a budget to fund some Weblate issues/enhancements and I'd like to have your feedback on what would be the most important for your t