Good afternoon Sophie,
I'm registered with this mail address at weblate. And I'm working on
German. I got notification mails till 28.5.21. Since this date I got no
more notification mails.
Annabelle Wübbelsmann
> Hi Annabelle,
> Le 15/08/2021 à 11:23, Annabelle Wübbelsmann a écri
Hi Kees,
Le 16/08/2021 à 06:36, a écrit :
> I noticed that too.
Do you have an idea since when it is happening?
Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation
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Hi Annabelle,
Le 15/08/2021 à 11:23, Annabelle Wübbelsmann a écrit :
> Good morning,
> since a few weeks I don't get notifications for my watched projects in
> weblate. Does exist a problem with the notifications?
Checking your account with this mail address, it seems your are not
attached to a